
DAG.copy() Return a copy of the current DAG.
DAG.rename_nodes(name_map, VT]) Rename the nodes in this graph according to name_map.
DAG.induced_subgraph(nodes) Return the induced subgraph over only nodes

Information about nodes

DAG.parents_of(nodes, Set[Hashable]]) Return all nodes that are parents of the node or set of nodes nodes.
DAG.children_of(nodes, Set[Hashable]]) Return all nodes that are children of the node or set of nodes nodes.
DAG.neighbors_of(nodes, Set[Hashable]]) Return all nodes that are adjacent to the node or set of nodes node.
DAG.markov_blanket_of(node) Return the Markov blanket of node, i.e., the parents of the node, its children, and the parents of its children.
DAG.ancestors_of(nodes) Return the ancestors of nodes.
DAG.descendants_of(nodes, Set[Hashable]]) Return the descendants of node.
DAG.indegree_of(node) Return the indegree of node.
DAG.outdegree_of(node) Return the outdegree of node.
DAG.incoming_arcs(node) Return all arcs with target node.
DAG.outgoing_arcs(node) Return all arcs with source node.
DAG.incident_arcs(node) Return all arcs with node as either source or target.

Graph modification

DAG.add_node(node) Add node to the DAG.
DAG.add_nodes_from(nodes) Add nodes to the graph from the collection nodes.
DAG.remove_node(node[, ignore_error]) Remove the node node from the graph.
DAG.add_arc(i, j[, check_acyclic]) Add the arc i -> j to the DAG
DAG.add_arcs_from(arcs[, check_acyclic]) Add arcs to the graph from the collection arcs.
DAG.remove_arc(i, j[, ignore_error]) Remove the arc i -> j.
DAG.reverse_arc(i, j[, ignore_error, …]) Reverse the arc i -> j to i <- j.

Graph properties

DAG.has_arc(source, target) Check if this DAG has an arc source -> target.
DAG.sources() Get all nodes in the graph that have no parents.
DAG.sinks() Get all nodes in the graph that have no children.
DAG.reversible_arcs() Get all reversible (aka covered) arcs in the DAG.
DAG.is_reversible(i, j) Check if the arc i -> j is reversible (aka covered), i.e., if pa(i) = pa(j) \setminus \{i\}
DAG.arcs_in_vstructures() Get all arcs in the graph that participate in a v-structure.
DAG.vstructures() Get all v-structures in the graph, i.e., triples of the form (i, k, j) such that i->k<-j and i is not adjacent to j.
DAG.triples() Return all triples of the form (i, j, k) such that i and k are both adjacent to j.
DAG.upstream_most(s) Return the set of nodes which in s which have no ancestors in s.


DAG.topological_sort() Return a topological sort of the nodes in the graph.
DAG.is_topological(order) Check that order is a topological order consistent with this DAG, i.e., if i->``j`` in the DAG, then i comes before j in the order.
DAG.permutation_score(order) Return the number of “errors” in order with respect to the DAG, i.e., the number of times that i->``j`` in the DAG but i comes after j in order.

Comparison to other DAGs

DAG.shd(other) Compute the structural Hamming distance between this DAG and the DAG other.
DAG.shd_skeleton(other) Compute the structure Hamming distance between the skeleton of this DAG and the skeleton of the graph other.
DAG.markov_equivalent(other[, interventions]) Check if this DAG is (interventionally) Markov equivalent to the DAG other.
DAG.is_imap(other) Check if this DAG is an IMAP of the DAG other, i.e., all d-separation statements in this graph are also d-separation statements in other.
DAG.is_minimal_imap(other[, certify, check_imap]) Check if this DAG is a minimal IMAP of other, i.e., it is an IMAP and no proper subgraph of this DAG is an IMAP of other.
DAG.chickering_distance(other) Return the total number of edge reversals plus twice the number of edge additions/deletions required to turn this DAG into the DAG other.
DAG.confusion_matrix(other[, rates_only]) Return the “confusion matrix” associated with estimating the CPDAG of other instead of the CPDAG of this DAG.
DAG.confusion_matrix_skeleton(other) Return the “confusion matrix” associated with estimating the skeleton of other instead of the skeleton of this DAG.

Separation statements

DAG.dsep(A, Hashable], B, Hashable], C, …) Check if A and B are d-separated given C, using the Bayes ball algorithm.
DAG.dsep_from_given(A, C, …) Find all nodes d-separated from A given C.
DAG.is_invariant(A, intervened_nodes[, …]) Check if the distribution of A given cond_set is invariant to an intervention on intervened_nodes.
DAG.local_markov_statements() Return the local Markov statements of this DAG, i.e., those of the form i independent nondescendants(i) given the parents of i.

Conversion to other formats

DAG.from_amat(amat) Return a DAG with arcs given by amat, i.e.
DAG.to_amat([node_list]) Return an adjacency matrix for this DAG.
DAG.from_nx(nx_graph) Convert a networkx DiGraph into a DAG.
DAG.to_nx() Convert DAG to a networkx DiGraph.
DAG.from_dataframe(df) Create a DAG from a dataframe, where the indices and columns are node names and a nonzero entry indicates the presence of an edge.
DAG.to_dataframe([node_list]) Turn this DAG into a dataframe, where the indices and columns are node names and a nonzero entry indicates the presence of an edge.

Conversion to other graphs

DAG.moral_graph() Return the (undirected) moral graph of this DAG, i.e., the graph with the parents of all nodes made adjacent.
DAG.marginal_mag(latent_nodes[, relabel, new]) Return the maximal ancestral graph (MAG) that results from marginalizing out latent_nodes.
DAG.cpdag() Return the completed partially directed acyclic graph (CPDAG, aka essential graph) that represents the Markov equivalence class of this DAG.
DAG.interventional_cpdag(interventions[, cpdag]) Return the interventional essential graph (aka CPDAG) associated with this DAG.

Chickering Sequences

DAG.resolved_sinks(other) Return the nodes in this graph which are “resolved sinks” with respect to the graph other.
DAG.chickering_sequence(imap[, verbose]) Return a Chickering sequence from this DAG to an I-MAP imap.
DAG.apply_edge_operation(imap[, seed_sink, …]) Identify an edge operation (covered edge reversal or edge addition) which decreases the Chickering distance from this DAG to imap.

Directed Clique Trees

DAG.directed_clique_tree([verbose]) Return the directed clique tree associated with this DAG.
DAG.contracted_directed_clique_tree() Return the contracted directed clique tree associated with this DAG.
DAG.residuals() Return the residuals associated with this DAG.
DAG.residual_essential_graph() Return the residual essential graph associated with this DAG.

Intervention Design

DAG.optimal_fully_orienting_single_node_interventions([…]) Find the smallest set of interventions which fully orients the CPDAG into this DAG.
DAG.greedy_optimal_single_node_intervention([…]) Greedily pick num_interventions single node interventions based on how many edges they orient.
DAG.greedy_optimal_fully_orienting_interventions([cpdag]) Find a set of interventions which fully orients a CPDAG into this DAG, using greedy selection of the interventions.