Source code for causaldag.classes.dag

# Author: Chandler Squires
"""Base class for causal DAGs

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import itertools as itr
from causaldag.utils import core_utils
import operator as op
from causaldag.classes.custom_types import Node, DirectedEdge, NodeSet, warn_untested
from typing import Set, Union, Tuple, Any, Iterable, Dict, FrozenSet, List
import networkx as nx
from networkx.utils import UnionFind
import random
import csv
import ipdb
from scipy.special import comb

class CycleError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, cycle):
        self.cycle = cycle
        message = 'Adding arc(s) causes the cycle ' + path2str(cycle)

def path2str(path):
    return '->'.join(map(str, path))

class DAG:
    Base class for causal DAGs.

    def __init__(self, nodes: Set = frozenset(), arcs: Set = frozenset(), dag=None):
        if dag is not None:
            self._nodes = set(dag._nodes)
            self._arcs = set(dag._arcs)
            self._neighbors = defaultdict(set)
            for node, nbrs in dag._neighbors.items():
                self._neighbors[node] = set(nbrs)
            self._parents = defaultdict(set)
            for node, par in dag._parents.items():
                self._parents[node] = set(par)
            self._children = defaultdict(set)
            for node, ch in dag._children.items():
                self._children[node] = set(ch)
            self._nodes = set(nodes)
            self._arcs = set()
            self._neighbors = defaultdict(set)
            self._parents = defaultdict(set)
            self._children = defaultdict(set)
            # print('before call to add arcs from')
            self.add_arcs_from(arcs, check_acyclic=True)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, DAG):
            return False
        return self._nodes == other._nodes and self._arcs == other._arcs

    def __str__(self):
        t = self.topological_sort()
        substrings = []
        for node in t:
            if self._parents[node]:
                parents_str = ','.join(map(str, self._parents[node]))
                substrings.append('[%s|%s]' % (node, parents_str))
                substrings.append('[%s]' % node)
        return ''.join(substrings)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the current DAG. """ # return DAG(nodes=self._nodes, arcs=self._arcs) return DAG(dag=self)
[docs] def rename_nodes(self, name_map: Dict): """ Rename the nodes in this graph according to ``name_map``. Parameters ---------- name_map: A dictionary from the current name of each node to the desired name of each node. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')}) >>> g2 = g.rename_nodes({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) >>> g2.arcs {(1, 2), (2, 3)} """ return DAG( nodes={name_map[n] for n in self._nodes}, arcs={(name_map[i], name_map[j]) for i, j in self._arcs} )
[docs] def induced_subgraph(self, nodes: Set[Node]): """ Return the induced subgraph over only ``nodes`` Parameters ---------- nodes: Set of nodes for the induced subgraph. Returns ------- DAG: Induced subgraph over ``nodes``. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 4)}) >>> d_induced = d.induced_subgraph({1, 2, 3}) >>> d_induced.arcs {(1, 2), (2, 3)} """ return DAG(nodes, {(i, j) for i, j in self._arcs if i in nodes and j in nodes})
# === PROPERTIES @property def nodes(self) -> Set[Node]: return set(self._nodes) @property def nnodes(self) -> int: return len(self._nodes) @property def arcs(self) -> Set[DirectedEdge]: return set(self._arcs) @property def num_arcs(self) -> int: return len(self._arcs) @property def neighbors(self) -> Dict[Node, Set[Node]]: return core_utils.defdict2dict(self._neighbors, self._nodes) @property def parents(self) -> Dict[Node, Set[Node]]: return core_utils.defdict2dict(self._parents, self._nodes) @property def children(self) -> Dict[Node, Set[Node]]: return core_utils.defdict2dict(self._children, self._nodes) @property def skeleton(self) -> Set[FrozenSet]: return {frozenset({i, j}) for i, j in self._arcs} @property def in_degrees(self) -> Dict[Node, int]: return {node: len(self._parents[node]) for node in self._nodes} @property def out_degrees(self) -> Dict[Node, int]: return {node: len(self._children[node]) for node in self._nodes} @property def max_in_degree(self) -> int: return max(len(self._parents[node]) for node in self._nodes) @property def max_out_degree(self) -> int: return max(len(self._parents[node]) for node in self._nodes) @property def sparsity(self) -> float: p = len(self._nodes) return len(self._arcs) / p / (p - 1) * 2 # === NODE PROPERTIES
[docs] def parents_of(self, nodes: NodeSet) -> Set[Node]: """ Return all nodes that are parents of the node or set of nodes ``nodes``. Parameters ---------- nodes A node or set of nodes. See Also -------- children_of, neighbors_of, markov_blanket_of Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g.parents_of(2) {1} >>> g.parents_of({2, 3}) {1, 2} """ if isinstance(nodes, set): return set.union(*(self._parents[n] for n in nodes)) else: return self._parents[nodes].copy()
[docs] def children_of(self, nodes: NodeSet) -> Set[Node]: """ Return all nodes that are children of the node or set of nodes ``nodes``. Parameters ---------- nodes A node or set of nodes. See Also -------- parents_of, neighbors_of, markov_blanket_of Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g.children_of(1) {2} >>> g.children_of({1, 2}) {2, 3} """ if isinstance(nodes, set): return set.union(*(self._children[n] for n in nodes)) else: return self._children[nodes].copy()
[docs] def neighbors_of(self, nodes: NodeSet) -> Set[Node]: """ Return all nodes that are adjacent to the node or set of nodes ``node``. Parameters ---------- nodes A node or set of nodes. See Also -------- parents_of, children_of, markov_blanket_of Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(0,1), (0,2)}) >>> g.neighbors_of(0) {1, 2} >>> g.neighbors_of(2) {0} """ if isinstance(nodes, set): return set.union(*(self._neighbors[n] for n in nodes)) else: return self._neighbors[nodes].copy()
[docs] def markov_blanket_of(self, node: Node) -> set: """ Return the Markov blanket of ``node``, i.e., the parents of the node, its children, and the parents of its children. Parameters ---------- node: Node whose Markov blanket to return. See Also -------- parents_of, children_of, neighbors_of Returns ------- set: the Markov blanket of ``node``. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4}) >>> g.markov_blanket_of(1) {0, 2, 3} """ parents_of_children = set.union(*(self._parents[c] for c in self._children[node])) if self._children[ node] else set() return self._parents[node] | self._children[node] | parents_of_children - {node}
def is_ancestor_of(self, anc: Node, desc: Node) -> bool: """ Check if ``anc`` is an ancestor of ``desc`` Return ------ bool True if ``anc`` is an ancestor of ``desc`` Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.is_ancestor_of(1, 3) True >>> g.is_ancestor_of(3, 1) False """ return desc in self._children[anc] or desc in self.descendants_of(anc) def _add_descendants(self, descendants, node): for child in self._children[node]: if child not in descendants: descendants.add(child) self._add_descendants(descendants, child)
[docs] def descendants_of(self, nodes: NodeSet) -> Set[Node]: """ Return the descendants of ``node``. Parameters ---------- nodes: The node. See Also -------- ancestors_of Return ------ Set[node] Return all nodes j such that there is a directed path from ``node`` to j. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g.descendants_of(1) {2, 3} """ descendants = set() if not isinstance(nodes, set): self._add_descendants(descendants, nodes) else: return set.union(*(self.descendants_of(node) for node in nodes)) return descendants
def _add_ancestors(self, ancestors, node): for parent in self._parents[node]: if parent not in ancestors: ancestors.add(parent) self._add_ancestors(ancestors, parent)
[docs] def ancestors_of(self, nodes: Node) -> Set[Node]: """ Return the ancestors of ``nodes``. Parameters ---------- nodes: The node. See Also -------- descendants_of Return ------ Set[node] Return all nodes j such that there is a directed path from j to ``node``. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g.ancestors_of(3) {1, 2, 3} """ ancestors = set() if not isinstance(nodes, set): self._add_ancestors(ancestors, nodes) else: return set.union(*(self.ancestors_of(node) for node in nodes)) return ancestors
[docs] def incident_arcs(self, node: Node) -> Set[DirectedEdge]: """ Return all arcs with ``node`` as either source or target. Parameters ---------- node: The node. See Also -------- incoming_arcs, outgoing_arcs Return ------ Set[arc] Return all arcs i->j such that either i=``node`` of j=``node``. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.incident_arcs(2) {(1, 2), (2, 3)} """ incident_arcs = set() for child in self._children[node]: incident_arcs.add((node, child)) for parent in self._parents[node]: incident_arcs.add((parent, node)) return incident_arcs
[docs] def incoming_arcs(self, node: Node) -> Set[DirectedEdge]: """ Return all arcs with target ``node``. Parameters ---------- node: The node. See Also -------- incident_arcs, outgoing_arcs Return ------ Set[arc] Return all arcs of the form i->``node``. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.incoming_arcs(2) {(1, 2)} """ incoming_arcs = set() for parent in self._parents[node]: incoming_arcs.add((parent, node)) return incoming_arcs
[docs] def outgoing_arcs(self, node: Node) -> Set[DirectedEdge]: """ Return all arcs with source ``node``. Parameters ---------- node: The node. See Also -------- incident_arcs, incoming_arcs Return ------ Set[arc] Return all arcs of the form ``node``->j. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.outgoing_arcs(2) {(2, 3)} """ outgoing_arcs = set() for child in self._children[node]: outgoing_arcs.add((node, child)) return outgoing_arcs
[docs] def outdegree_of(self, node: Node) -> int: """ Return the outdegree of ``node``. Parameters ---------- node: The node. See Also -------- indegree_of Return ------ int The number of children of ``node``. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.outdegree_of(1) 2 >>> g.outdegree_of(3) 0 """ return len(self._children[node])
[docs] def indegree_of(self, node: Node) -> int: """ Return the indegree of ``node``. Parameters ---------- node: The node. See Also -------- outdegree_of Return ------ int The number of parents of ``node``. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.indegree_of(1) 0 >>> g.indegree_of(2) 2 """ return len(self._parents[node])
# ==== ORDERS
[docs] def topological_sort(self) -> List[Node]: """ Return a topological sort of the nodes in the graph. Returns ------- List[Node] A topological sort of the nodes in a graph. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g.topological_sort [1, 2, 3] """ any_visited = {node: False for node in self._nodes} curr_path_visited = {node: False for node in self._nodes} curr_path = [] stack = [] for node in self._nodes: if not any_visited[node]: self._mark_children_visited(node, any_visited, curr_path_visited, curr_path, stack) return list(reversed(stack))
[docs] def is_topological(self, order: list) -> bool: """ Check that ``order`` is a topological order consistent with this DAG, i.e., if ``i``->``j`` in the DAG, then ``i`` comes before ``j`` in the order. Parameters ---------- order: the order to check. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3)}) >>> g.is_topological([1, 2, 3]) True >>> g.is_topological([1, 3, 2]) True >>> g.is_topological([2, 1, 3]) False """ node2ix = {node: ix for ix, node in enumerate(order)} return all(node2ix[i] < node2ix[j] for i, j in self._arcs)
[docs] def permutation_score(self, order: list) -> int: """ Return the number of "errors" in ``order`` with respect to the DAG, i.e., the number of times that ``i``->``j`` in the DAG but ``i`` comes *after* ``j`` in ``order``. Parameters ---------- order: the order to check. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3)}) >>> g.permutation_score([1, 2, 3]) 0 >>> g.permutation_score([2, 1, 3]) 1 >>> g.permutation_score([2, 3, 1]) 2 """ node2ix = {node: ix for ix, node in enumerate(order)} return sum(node2ix[i] > node2ix[j] for i, j in self._arcs)
[docs] def add_node(self, node: Node): """ Add ``node`` to the DAG. Parameters ---------- node: a hashable Python object See Also -------- add_nodes_from Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG() >>> g.add_node(1) >>> g.add_node(2) >>> len(g.nodes) 2 """ self._nodes.add(node)
[docs] def add_nodes_from(self, nodes: Iterable): """ Add nodes to the graph from the collection ``nodes``. Parameters ---------- nodes: collection of nodes to be added. See Also -------- add_node Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG({1, 2}) >>> g.add_nodes_from({'a', 'b'}) >>> g.add_nodes_from(range(3, 6)) >>> g.nodes {1, 2, 'a', 'b', 3, 4, 5} """ for node in nodes: self.add_node(node)
[docs] def remove_node(self, node: Node, ignore_error=False): """ Remove the node ``node`` from the graph. Parameters ---------- node: node to be removed. ignore_error: if True, ignore the KeyError raised when node is not in the DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2)}) >>> g.remove_node(2) >>> g.nodes {1} """ try: self._nodes.remove(node) for parent in self._parents[node]: self._children[parent].remove(node) self._neighbors[parent].remove(node) for child in self._children[node]: self._parents[child].remove(node) self._neighbors[child].remove(node) self._neighbors.pop(node, None) self._parents.pop(node, None) self._children.pop(node, None) self._arcs = {(i, j) for i, j in self._arcs if i != node and j != node} except KeyError as e: if ignore_error: pass else: raise e
[docs] def add_arc(self, i: Node, j: Node, check_acyclic=True): """ Add the arc ``i`` -> ``j`` to the DAG Parameters ---------- i: source node of the arc j: target node of the arc check_acyclic: if True, check that the DAG remains acyclic after adding the edge. See Also -------- add_arcs_from Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG({1, 2}) >>> g.add_arc(1, 2) >>> g.arcs {(1, 2)} """ self._nodes.add(i) self._nodes.add(j) self._arcs.add((i, j)) self._neighbors[i].add(j) self._neighbors[j].add(i) self._children[i].add(j) self._parents[j].add(i) if check_acyclic: try: self._check_acyclic() except CycleError as e: self.remove_arc(i, j) raise e
[docs] def add_arcs_from(self, arcs: Iterable[Tuple], check_acyclic=False): """ Add arcs to the graph from the collection ``arcs``. Parameters ---------- arcs: collection of arcs to be added. check_acyclic: if True, check that the DAG remains acyclic after adding the edge. See Also -------- add_arcs Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2)}) >>> g.add_arcs_from({(1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.arcs {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)} """ if not isinstance(arcs, set): arcs = {(i, j) for i, j in arcs} if len(arcs) == 0: return sources, sinks = zip(*arcs) self._nodes.update(sources) self._nodes.update(sinks) self._arcs.update(arcs) for i, j in arcs: self._neighbors[i].add(j) self._neighbors[j].add(i) self._children[i].add(j) self._parents[j].add(i) if check_acyclic: try: self._check_acyclic() except CycleError as e: for i, j in arcs: self.remove_arc(i, j) raise e
[docs] def remove_arc(self, i: Node, j: Node, ignore_error=False): """ Remove the arc ``i`` -> ``j``. Parameters ---------- i: source of arc to be removed. j: target of arc to be removed. ignore_error: if True, ignore the KeyError raised when arc is not in the DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2)}) >>> g.remove_arc(1, 2) >>> g.arcs set() """ try: self._arcs.remove((i, j)) self._parents[j].remove(i) self._children[i].remove(j) self._neighbors[j].remove(i) self._neighbors[i].remove(j) except KeyError as e: if ignore_error: pass else: raise e
def remove_arcs_from(self, arcs: Iterable, ignore_error=False): """ Remove each arc in ``arcs`` from the DAG. Parameters ---------- arcs The arcs to be removed from the DAG. ignore_error: if True, ignore the KeyError raised when an arc is not in the DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)}) >>> g.remove_arcs_from({(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g.arcs {(3, 4)} """ for i, j in arcs: self.remove_arc(i, j, ignore_error=ignore_error)
[docs] def reverse_arc(self, i: Node, j: Node, ignore_error=False, check_acyclic=False): """ Reverse the arc ``i`` -> ``j`` to ``i`` <- ``j``. Parameters ---------- i: source of arc to be reversed. j: target of arc to be reversed. ignore_error: if True, ignore the KeyError raised when arc is not in the DAG. check_acyclic: if True, check that the DAG remains acyclic after adding the edge. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2)}) >>> g.reverse_arc(1, 2) >>> g.arcs {(2, 1)} """ self.remove_arc(i, j, ignore_error=ignore_error) self.add_arc(j, i, check_acyclic=check_acyclic)
def _check_acyclic(self): self.topological_sort() def _mark_children_visited(self, node, any_visited, curr_path_visited, curr_path, stack): any_visited[node] = True curr_path_visited[node] = True curr_path.append(node) for child in self._children[node]: if not any_visited[child]: self._mark_children_visited(child, any_visited, curr_path_visited, curr_path, stack) elif curr_path_visited[child]: cycle = curr_path + [child] raise CycleError(cycle) curr_path.pop() curr_path_visited[node] = False stack.append(node) # === GRAPH PROPERTIES
[docs] def has_arc(self, source: Node, target: Node) -> bool: """ Check if this DAG has an arc ``source`` -> ``target``. Parameters ---------- source: Source node of arc. target: Target node of arc. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(0,1), (0,2)}) >>> g.has_arc(0, 1) True >>> g.has_arc(1, 2) False """ return (source, target) in self._arcs
[docs] def sources(self) -> Set[Node]: """ Get all nodes in the graph that have no parents. Return ------ List[node] Nodes in the graph that have no parents. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.sources() {1} """ return {node for node in self._nodes if len(self._parents[node]) == 0}
[docs] def sinks(self) -> Set[Node]: """ Get all nodes in the graph that have no children. Return ------ List[node] Nodes in the graph that have no children. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.sinks() {3} """ return {node for node in self._nodes if len(self._children[node]) == 0}
[docs] def reversible_arcs(self) -> Set[DirectedEdge]: """ Get all reversible (aka covered) arcs in the DAG. Return ------ Set[arc] Return all reversible (aka covered) arcs in the DAG. An arc i -> j is *covered* if the :math:`Pa(j) = Pa(i) \cup {i}`. Reversing a reversible arc results in a DAG in the same Markov equivalence class. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.reversible_arcs() {(1, 2), (2, 3)} """ reversible_arcs = set() for i, j in self._arcs: if self._parents[i] == (self._parents[j] - {i}): reversible_arcs.add((i, j)) return reversible_arcs
[docs] def is_reversible(self, i: Node, j: Node) -> bool: """ Check if the arc ``i`` -> ``j`` is reversible (aka covered), i.e., if :math:`pa(i) = pa(j) \setminus \{i\}` Parameters ---------- i: source of the arc j: target of the arc Returns ------- True if the arc is reversible, otherwise False. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.is_reversible(1, 2) True >>> g.is_reversible(1, 3) False """ return self._parents[i] == self._parents[j] - {i}
[docs] def arcs_in_vstructures(self) -> Set[Tuple]: """ Get all arcs in the graph that participate in a v-structure. Return ------ Set[arc] Return all arcs in the graph in a v-structure (aka an immorality). A v-structure is formed when i->j<-k but there is no arc between i and k. Arcs that participate in a v-structure are identifiable from observational data. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.arcs_in_vstructures() {(1, 3), (2, 3)) """ return {(i, j) for i, j in self._arcs if self._parents[j] - self._neighbors[i] - {i}}
[docs] def vstructures(self) -> Set[Tuple]: """ Get all v-structures in the graph, i.e., triples of the form (i, k, j) such that ``i``->k<-``j`` and ``i`` is not adjacent to ``j``. Return ------ Set[Tuple] Return all triples in the graph in a v-structure (aka an immorality). A v-structure is formed when i->j<-k but there is no arc between i and k. Arcs that participate in a v-structure are identifiable from observational data. Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.vstructures() {(1, 3, 2)} """ vstructs = set() for node in self._nodes: for p1, p2 in itr.combinations(self._parents[node], 2): if p1 not in self._parents[p2] and p2 not in self._parents[p1]: vstructs.add((p1, node, p2)) return vstructs
[docs] def triples(self) -> Set[Tuple]: """ Return all triples of the form (``i``, ``j``, ``k``) such that ``i`` and ``k`` are both adjacent to ``j``. Returns ------- Set[Tuple] Triples in the graph. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2)}) >>> g.triples() {frozenset({1, 3, 2})} """ t = set() for node in self._nodes: t |= {frozenset({n1, node, n2}) for n1, n2 in itr.combinations(self._neighbors[node], 2)} return t
[docs] def upstream_most(self, s: Set[Node]) -> Set[Node]: """ Return the set of nodes which in ``s`` which have no ancestors in ``s``. Parameters ---------- s: Set of nodes Returns ------- The set of nodes in ``s`` with no ancestors in ``s``. """ return {node for node in s if not self.ancestors_of(node) & s}
[docs] def shd(self, other) -> int: """ Compute the structural Hamming distance between this DAG and the DAG ``other``. Parameters ---------- other: the DAG to which the SHD will be computed. Return ------ int The structural Hamming distance between :math:`G_1` and :math:`G_2` is the minimum number of arc additions, deletions, and reversals required to transform :math:`G_1` into :math:`G_2` (and vice versa). Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(2, 1), (2, 3)}) >>> g1.shd(g2) 1 """ if isinstance(other, DAG): self_arcs_reversed = {(j, i) for i, j in self._arcs} other_arcs_reversed = {(j, i) for i, j in other._arcs} additions = other._arcs - self._arcs - self_arcs_reversed deletions = self._arcs - other._arcs - other_arcs_reversed reversals = self.arcs & other_arcs_reversed return len(additions) + len(deletions) + len(reversals)
[docs] def shd_skeleton(self, other) -> int: """ Compute the structure Hamming distance between the skeleton of this DAG and the skeleton of the graph ``other``. Parameters ---------- other: the DAG to which the SHD of the skeleton will be computed. Return ------ int The structural Hamming distance between :math:`G_1` and :math:`G_2` is the minimum number of arc additions, deletions, and reversals required to transform :math:`G_1` into :math:`G_2` (and vice versa). Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(2, 1), (2, 3)}) >>> g1.shd_skeleton(g2) 0 >>> g1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2)}) >>> g2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g1.shd_skeleton(g2) 1 """ return len(self.skeleton.symmetric_difference(other.skeleton))
[docs] def markov_equivalent(self, other, interventions=None) -> bool: """ Check if this DAG is (interventionally) Markov equivalent to the DAG ``other``. Parameters ---------- other: Another DAG. interventions: If not None, check whether the two DAGs are interventionally Markov equivalent under the interventions. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2)}) >>> d2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(2, 1), (1, 0)}) >>> d3 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (2, 1)}) >>> d4 = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 0), (1, 2)}) >>> d1.markov_equivalent(d2) True >>> d2.markov_equivalent(d1) True >>> d1.markov_equivalent(d3) False >>> d1.markov_equivalent(d2, [{2}]) False >>> d1.markov_equivalent(d4, [{2}]) True """ if interventions is None: return self.cpdag() == other.cpdag() else: return self.interventional_cpdag(interventions, self.cpdag()) == other.interventional_cpdag(interventions, other.cpdag())
[docs] def is_imap(self, other) -> bool: """ Check if this DAG is an IMAP of the DAG ``other``, i.e., all d-separation statements in this graph are also d-separation statements in ``other``. Parameters ---------- other: Another DAG. See Also -------- is_minimal_imap Returns ------- bool True if ``other`` is an I-MAP of this DAG, otherwise False. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (3, 2)}) >>> other = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2)}) >>> g.is_imap(other) True >>> other = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 3)}) >>> g.is_imap(other) False """ return all(other.dsep(node, nondesc, parents) for node, nondesc, parents in self.local_markov_statements())
[docs] def is_minimal_imap(self, other, certify=False, check_imap=True) -> Union[bool, Tuple[bool, Any]]: """ Check if this DAG is a minimal IMAP of `other`, i.e., it is an IMAP and no proper subgraph of this DAG is an IMAP of other. Deleting the arc i->j retains IMAPness when `i` is d-separated from `j` in `other` given the parents of `j` besides `i` in this DAG. Parameters ---------- other: Another DAG. certify: If True and this DAG is not an IMAP of other, return a certificate of non-minimality in the form of an edge i->j that can be deleted while retaining IMAPness. check_imap: If True, first check whether this DAG is an IMAP of other, if False, this DAG is assumed to be an IMAP of other. See Also -------- is_imap Returns ------- bool True if ``other`` is a minimal I-MAP of this DAG, otherwise False. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (3, 2)}) >>> other = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2)}) >>> g.is_minimal_imap(other) False """ if check_imap and not self.is_imap(other): if certify: return False, None else: return False certificate = next(((i, j) for i, j in self._arcs if other.dsep(i, j, self._parents[j] - {i})), None) if certify: return certificate is None, certificate else: return certificate is None
[docs] def chickering_distance(self, other) -> int: """ Return the total number of edge reversals plus twice the number of edge additions/deletions required to turn this DAG into the DAG ``other``. Parameters ---------- other: the DAG against which to compare the Chickering distance. Returns ------- int The Chickering distance between this DAG and the DAG ``other``. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2)}) >>> d2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)}) >>> d1.chickering_distance(d2) 3 """ reversals = self._arcs & {tuple(reversed(arc)) for arc in other._arcs} return len(reversals) + 2 * self.shd_skeleton(other)
[docs] def confusion_matrix(self, other, rates_only=False): """ Return the "confusion matrix" associated with estimating the CPDAG of ``other`` instead of the CPDAG of this DAG. Parameters ---------- other: The DAG against which to compare. rates_only: if True, the dictionary of results only contains the false positive rate, true positive rate, and precision. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of results * false_positive_arcs: the arcs in the CPDAG of ``other`` which are not arcs or edges in the CPDAG of this DAG. * false_positive_edges: the edges in the CPDAG of ``other`` which are not arcs or edges in the CPDAG of this DAG. * false_negative_arcs: the arcs in the CPDAG of this graph which are not arcs or edges in the CPDAG of ``other``. * true_positive_arcs: the arcs in the CPDAG of ``other`` which are arcs in the CPDAG of this DAG. * reversed_arcs: the arcs in the CPDAG of ``other`` whose reversals are arcs in the CPDAG of this DAG. * mistaken_arcs_for_edges: the arcs in the CPDAG of ``other`` whose reversals are arcs in the CPDAG of this DAG. * false_negative_edges: the edges in the CPDAG of this DAG which are not arcs or edges in the CPDAG of ``other``. * true_positive_edges: the edges in the CPDAG of ``other`` which are edges in the CPDAG of this DAG. * mistaken_edges_for_arcs: the edges in the CPDAG of ``other`` which are arcs in the CPDAG of this DAG. * num_false_positives: the total number of: false_positive_arcs, false_positive_edges * num_false_negatives: the total number of: false_negative_arcs, false_negative_edges, mistaken_arcs_for_edges, and reversed_arcs * num_true_positives: the total number of: true_positive_arcs, true_positive_edges, and mistaken_edges_for_arcs * num_true_negatives: the total number of missing arcs/edges in ``other`` which are actually missing in this DAG. * fpr: the false positive rate, i.e., num_false_positives/(num_false_positives+num_true_negatives). If this DAG is fully connected, defaults to 0. * tpr: the true positive rate, i.e., num_true_positives/(num_true_positives+num_false_negatives). If this DAG is empty, defaults to 1. * precision: the precision, i.e., num_true_positives/(num_true_positives+num_false_positives). If ``other`` is empty, defaults to 1. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2)}) >>> d2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (2, 1)}) >>> cm = d1.confusion_matrix(d2) >>> cm["mistaken_edges_for_arcs"] {frozenset({0, 1}), frozenset({1, 2})}, >>> cm = d2.confusion_matrix(d1) >>> cm["mistaken_arcs_for_edges"] {(0, 1), (2, 1)} """ self_cpdag = self.cpdag() from causaldag.classes.pdag import PDAG if isinstance(other, PDAG): other_cpdag = other else: other_cpdag = other.cpdag() # HELPER SETS SELF self_arcs_as_edges = {frozenset(arc) for arc in self_cpdag._arcs} self_edges_as_arcs1 = {(i, j) for i, j in self_cpdag._edges} self_edges_as_arcs2 = {(j, i) for i, j in self_edges_as_arcs1} # HELPER SETS OTHER other_arcs_reversed = {(j, i) for i, j in other_cpdag._arcs} other_arcs_as_edges = {frozenset(arc) for arc in other_cpdag._arcs} other_edges_as_arcs1 = {(i, j) for i, j in other_cpdag._edges} other_edges_as_arcs2 = {(j, i) for i, j in other_edges_as_arcs1} # MISSING IN TRUE GRAPH false_positive_arcs = other_cpdag._arcs - self_cpdag._arcs - self_edges_as_arcs1 - self_edges_as_arcs2 false_positive_edges = other_cpdag._edges - self_cpdag._edges - self_arcs_as_edges # ARC IN TRUE GRAPH false_negative_arcs = self_cpdag._arcs - other_cpdag._arcs - other_edges_as_arcs1 - other_edges_as_arcs2 true_positive_arcs = self_cpdag._arcs & other_cpdag._arcs reversed_arcs = self_cpdag._arcs & other_arcs_reversed mistaken_arcs_for_edges = self_cpdag._arcs & (other_edges_as_arcs1 | other_edges_as_arcs2) # EDGE IN TRUE GRAPH false_negative_edges = self_cpdag._edges - other_cpdag._edges - other_arcs_as_edges true_positive_edges = self_cpdag._edges & other_cpdag._edges mistaken_edges_for_arcs = self_cpdag._edges & other_arcs_as_edges # COMBINED_RESULTS num_false_positives = len(false_positive_edges) + len(false_negative_arcs) num_false_negatives = len(false_negative_arcs) + len(false_negative_edges) + len(mistaken_arcs_for_edges) + len( reversed_arcs) num_true_positives = len(true_positive_edges) + len(true_positive_arcs) + len(mistaken_edges_for_arcs) num_true_negatives = comb(self.nnodes, 2) - num_false_positives - num_false_negatives - num_true_positives # RATES num_negatives = comb(self.nnodes, 2) - self.num_arcs num_positives = self.num_arcs num_returned_positives = (num_true_positives + num_false_positives) fpr = num_false_positives / num_negatives if num_negatives != 0 else 0 tpr = num_true_positives / num_positives if num_positives != 0 else 1 precision = num_true_positives / num_returned_positives if num_returned_positives != 0 else 1 if rates_only: return dict( fpr=fpr, tpr=tpr, precision=precision ) res = dict( false_positive_arcs=false_positive_arcs, false_positive_edges=false_positive_edges, false_negative_arcs=false_negative_arcs, true_positive_arcs=true_positive_arcs, reversed_arcs=reversed_arcs, mistaken_arcs_for_edges=mistaken_arcs_for_edges, false_negative_edges=false_negative_edges, true_positive_edges=true_positive_edges, mistaken_edges_for_arcs=mistaken_edges_for_arcs, num_false_positives=num_false_positives, num_false_negatives=num_false_negatives, num_true_positives=num_true_positives, num_true_negatives=num_true_negatives, fpr=fpr, tpr=tpr, precision=precision ) return res
[docs] def confusion_matrix_skeleton(self, other): """ Return the "confusion matrix" associated with estimating the skeleton of ``other`` instead of the skeleton of this DAG. Parameters ---------- other: The DAG against which to compare. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of results * false_positives: the edges in the skeleton of ``other`` which are not in the skeleton of this DAG. * false_negatives: the edges in the skeleton of this graph which are not in the skeleton of ``other``. * true_positives: the edges in the skeleton of ``other`` which are acutally in the skeleton of this DAG. * num_false_positives: the total number of false_positives * num_false_negatives: the total number of false_negatives * num_true_positives: the total number of true_positives * num_true_negatives: the total number of missing edges in the skeleton of ``other`` which are actually missing in this DAG. * fpr: the false positive rate, i.e., num_false_positives/(num_false_positives+num_true_negatives). If this DAG is fully connected, defaults to 0. * tpr: the true positive rate, i.e., num_true_positives/(num_true_positives+num_false_negatives). If this DAG is empty, defaults to 1. * precision: the precision, i.e., num_true_positives/(num_true_positives+num_false_positives). If ``other`` is empty, defaults to 1. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2)}) >>> d2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (2, 1)}) >>> cm = d1.confusion_matrix_skeleton(d2) >>> cm["tpr"] 1.0 >>> d3 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (0, 2)}) >>> cm = d2.confusion_matrix_skeleton(d3) >>> cm["true_positives"] {frozenset({0, 1})} >>> cm["false_positives"] {frozenset({0, 2})}, >>> cm["false_negatives"] {frozenset({1, 2})} """ self_skeleton = self.skeleton other_skeleton = other.skeleton true_positives = self_skeleton & other_skeleton false_positives = other_skeleton - self_skeleton false_negatives = self_skeleton - other_skeleton num_true_positives = len(true_positives) num_false_positives = len(false_positives) num_false_negatives = len(false_negatives) num_true_negatives = comb(self.nnodes, 2) - num_true_positives - num_false_positives - num_false_negatives num_positives = len(self_skeleton) num_negatives = comb(self.nnodes, 2) - num_positives tpr = num_true_positives / num_positives if num_positives != 0 else 1 fpr = num_false_positives / num_negatives if num_negatives != 0 else 0 res = dict( true_positives=true_positives, false_positives=false_positives, false_negatives=false_negatives, num_true_positives=num_true_positives, num_false_positives=num_false_positives, num_true_negatives=num_true_negatives, num_false_negatives=num_false_negatives, tpr=tpr, fpr=fpr ) return res
# === WRITING TO FILES @classmethod def from_gml(cls, filename): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def from_csv(cls, filename): raise NotImplementedError def save_gml(self, filename): """ TODO """ raise NotImplementedError warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST tab = ' ' indent = 0 newline = lambda indent: '\n' + (tab * indent) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('graph [') indent += 1 f.write(newline(indent)) f.write('directed 1') f.write(newline(indent)) node2ix = core_utils.ix_map_from_list(self._nodes) for node, ix in node2ix.items(): f.write('node [') indent += 1 f.write(newline(indent)) f.write('id %s' % ix) f.write(newline(indent)) f.write('label "%s"' % node) indent -= 1 f.write(newline(indent)) f.write(']') f.write(newline(indent)) for source, target in self._arcs: f.write('edge [') indent += 1 f.write(newline(indent)) f.write('source %s' % source) f.write(newline(indent)) f.write('target %s' % target) indent -= 1 f.write(newline(indent)) f.write(']') f.write(newline(indent)) f.write(']') def to_csv(self, filename): """ TODO """ raise NotImplementedError warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST with open(filename, 'w', newline='\n') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) for source, target in self._arcs: writer.writerow([source, target]) # === NUMPY CONVERSION
[docs] @classmethod def from_amat(cls, amat: np.ndarray): """ Return a DAG with arcs given by ``amat``, i.e. i->j if ``amat[i,j] != 0``. Parameters ---------- amat: Numpy matrix representing arcs in the DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> import numpy as np >>> amat = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) >>> d = cd.DAG.from_amat(amat) >>> d.arcs {(0, 2), (1, 2)} """ nodes = set(range(amat.shape[0])) arcs = {(i, j) for i, j in itr.permutations(nodes, 2) if amat[i, j] != 0} return DAG(nodes=nodes, arcs=arcs)
[docs] def to_amat(self, node_list=None) -> (np.ndarray, list): """ Return an adjacency matrix for this DAG. Parameters ---------- node_list: List indexing the rows/columns of the matrix. See Also -------- from_amat Return ------ (amat, node_list) Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> g.to_amat()[0] array([[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) >>> g.to_amat()[1] [1, 2, 3] """ if not node_list: node_list = sorted(self._nodes) node2ix = {node: i for i, node in enumerate(node_list)} shape = (len(self._nodes), len(self._nodes)) amat = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) for source, target in self._arcs: amat[node2ix[source], node2ix[target]] = 1 return amat, node_list
[docs] @classmethod def from_nx(cls, nx_graph: nx.DiGraph): """ Convert a networkx DiGraph into a DAG. Parameters ---------- nx_graph: networkx DiGraph Returns ------- DAG: The graph as a DAG object. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> import networkx as nx >>> g = nx.DiGraph() >>> g.add_edges_from([(0, 1)]) >>> d = cd.DAG.from_nx(g) >>> d.arcs {(0, 1)} """ if not isinstance(nx_graph, nx.DiGraph): raise ValueError("Must be a DiGraph") return DAG(nodes=set(nx_graph.nodes), arcs=set(nx_graph.edges))
[docs] def to_nx(self) -> nx.DiGraph: """ Convert DAG to a networkx DiGraph. Returns ------- networkx.DiGraph: The graph as a networkx.DiGraph object. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1)}) >>> g = d.to_nx() >>> g.edges OutEdgeView([(0, 1)]) """ g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(self._nodes) g.add_edges_from(self._arcs) return g
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, df): """ Create a DAG from a dataframe, where the indices and columns are node names and a nonzero entry indicates the presence of an edge. Parameters ---------- df: The pandas dataframe. Returns ------- DAG: The graph as a DAG object. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> amat = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]]) >>> df = pd.DataFrame(amat, index=["a", "b"], columns=["a", "b"]) >>> d = cd.DAG.from_dataframe(df) >>> d.arcs {('a', 'b')} """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST g = DAG(nodes=set(df.index) | set(df.columns)) for (i, j), val in np.ndenumerate(df.values): if val != 0: g.add_arc(df.index[i], df.columns[j]) return g
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, node_list=None): """ Turn this DAG into a dataframe, where the indices and columns are node names and a nonzero entry indicates the presence of an edge. Parameters ---------- node_list: Order to use when creating the dataframe. If None, uses a sorted order. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame: The graph as a DataFrame. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1)}) >>> d.to_dataframe() 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 >>> d.to_dataframe(node_list=[1, 0]) 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST if not node_list: node_list = sorted(self._nodes) node2ix = {node: i for i, node in enumerate(node_list)} shape = (len(self._nodes), len(self._nodes)) amat = np.zeros(shape, dtype=int) for source, target in self._arcs: amat[node2ix[source], node2ix[target]] = 1 from pandas import DataFrame return DataFrame(amat, index=node_list, columns=node_list)
# === SCIPY CONVERSION def to_sparse(self): raise NotImplementedError # === SEPARATIONS
[docs] def dsep(self, A: Union[Set[Node], Node], B: Union[Set[Node], Node], C: Union[Set[Node], Node] = set(), verbose=False, certify=False) -> bool: """ Check if ``A`` and ``B`` are d-separated given ``C``, using the Bayes ball algorithm. Parameters ---------- A: First set of nodes. B: Second set of nodes. C: Separating set of nodes. verbose: If True, print moves of the algorithm. See Also -------- dsep_from_given Return ------ is_dsep Example ------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (3, 2)}) >>> g.dsep(1, 3) True >>> g.dsep(1, 3, 2) False """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST # type coercion A = core_utils.to_set(A) B = core_utils.to_set(B) C = core_utils.to_set(C) # shade ancestors of C shaded_nodes = set(C) for node in C: self._add_ancestors(shaded_nodes, node) visited = set() # marks for which direction the path is traveling through the node _c = '_c' # child _p = '_p' # parent schedule = {(node, _c) for node in A} while schedule: if verbose: print('Current schedule:', schedule) node, _dir = schedule.pop() if node in B and not certify: return False if node in B and certify: return False, node if (node, _dir) in visited: continue visited.add((node, _dir)) if verbose: print('Going through node', node, 'in direction', _dir) # if coming from child, won't encounter v-structure if _dir == _c and node not in C: schedule.update({(parent, _c) for parent in self._parents[node]}) schedule.update({(child, _p) for child in self._children[node]}) if _dir == _p: # if coming from parent and see shaded node, can go through v-structure if node in shaded_nodes: schedule.update({(parent, _c) for parent in self._parents[node]}) # if coming from parent and see unconditioned node, can go through children if node not in C: schedule.update({(child, _p) for child in self._children[node]}) return True
[docs] def dsep_from_given(self, A, C: NodeSet = frozenset()) -> Set[Node]: """ Find all nodes d-separated from ``A`` given ``C``. Uses algorithm in Geiger, D., Verma, T., & Pearl, J. (1990). Identifying independence in Bayesian networks. Networks, 20(5), 507-534. Parameters ---------- A: set of nodes. C: set of conditioned nodes. Returns ------- set Nodes which are d-separated from ``A`` given ``C``. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)}) >>> d.dsep_from_given(0, 1) {2, 3, 4] """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST A = core_utils.to_set(A) C = core_utils.to_set(C) determined = set() descendants = set() for c in C: determined.add(c) descendants.add(c) self._add_ancestors(descendants, c) reachable = set() i_links = set() labeled_links = set() for a in A: i_links.add((None, a)) reachable.add(a) while True: i_p_1_links = set() # Find all unlabled links v->w adjacent to at least one link u->v labeled i, such that (u->v,v->w) is a legal pair. for link in i_links: u, v = link for w in self._neighbors[v]: if not u == w and (v, w) not in labeled_links: if v in self._children[u] and v in self._children[w]: # Is collider? if v in descendants: i_p_1_links.add((v, w)) reachable.add(w) else: # Not collider if v not in determined: i_p_1_links.add((v, w)) reachable.add(w) if len(i_p_1_links) == 0: break labeled_links = labeled_links.union(i_links) i_links = i_p_1_links return self._nodes.difference(A).difference(C).difference(reachable)
[docs] def is_invariant(self, A, intervened_nodes, cond_set=set(), verbose=False) -> bool: """ Check if the distribution of ``A`` given cond_set is invariant to an intervention on intervened_nodes. :math:`f^\emptyset(A|C) = f^I(A|C)` if the "intervention node" I with intervened_nodes as its children is d-separated from A given C. Equivalently, the :math:`f^\emptyset(A|C) \neq f^I(A|C)` if: - there is an active path to an intervened node that ends in an arrowhead, and that intervened node or one of its descendants is conditioned on. - there is an active path to an intervened node that ends in a tail, and that intervened node is not conditioned on. Parameters ---------- A: Set of nodes. intervened_nodes: Nodes on which an intervention has occurred. cond_set: Conditioning set for the tested distribution. verbose: If True, print moves of the algorithm. """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST # type coercion A = core_utils.to_set(A) I = core_utils.to_set(intervened_nodes) C = core_utils.to_set(cond_set) # shade ancestors of C shaded_nodes = set(C) for node in C: self._add_ancestors(shaded_nodes, node) visited = set() # marks for which direction the path is traveling through the node _c = '_c' # child _p = '_p' # parent schedule = {(node, _c) for node in A} while schedule: if verbose: print('Current schedule:', schedule) node, _dir = schedule.pop() if node in I and _dir == _p and node in shaded_nodes: return False if node in I and _dir == _c and node not in C: return False if (node, _dir) in visited: continue visited.add((node, _dir)) if verbose: print('Going through node', node, 'in direction', _dir) # if coming from child, won't encounter v-structure if _dir == _c and node not in C: schedule.update({(parent, _c) for parent in self._parents[node]}) schedule.update({(child, _p) for child in self._children[node]}) if _dir == _p: # if coming from parent and see shaded node, can go through v-structure if node in shaded_nodes: schedule.update({(parent, _c) for parent in self._parents[node]}) # if coming from parent and see unconditioned node, can go through children if node not in C: schedule.update({(child, _p) for child in self._children[node]}) return True
[docs] def local_markov_statements(self) -> Set[Tuple[Any, FrozenSet, FrozenSet]]: """ Return the local Markov statements of this DAG, i.e., those of the form ``i`` independent nondescendants(i) given the parents of ``i``. Returns ------- set The set of tuples of the form (``i``, ``A``, ``C``) representing the local Markov statements of the DAG via (``i`` independent of ``A`` given ``C``). Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (3, 2)}) >>> g.local_markov_statements() {(1, frozenset({3}), frozenset()), (2, frozenset(), frozenset({1, 3})), (3, frozenset({1}), frozenset())} """ statements = set() for node in self._nodes: parents = self._parents[node] nondescendants = self._nodes - {node} - self.descendants_of(node) - parents statements.add((node, frozenset(nondescendants), frozenset(parents))) return statements
[docs] def moral_graph(self): """ Return the (undirected) moral graph of this DAG, i.e., the graph with the parents of all nodes made adjacent. Returns ------- UndirectedGraph: Moral graph of this DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> ug = d.moral_graph() >>> ug.edges {frozenset({1, 3}), frozenset({2, 3}), frozenset({1, 2})} """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST from causaldag import UndirectedGraph edges = {(i, j) for i, j in self._arcs} | {(p1, p2) for p1, node, p2 in self.vstructures()} return UndirectedGraph(self._nodes, edges)
[docs] def marginal_mag(self, latent_nodes, relabel=None, new=True): """ Return the maximal ancestral graph (MAG) that results from marginalizing out ``latent_nodes``. Parameters ---------- latent_nodes: nodes to marginalize over. relabel: if relabel='default', relabel the nodes to have labels 1,2,...,(#nodes). new: TODO - pick whether to use new or old implementation. Returns ------- m: cd.AncestralGraph, the MAG resulting from marginalizing out `latent_nodes`. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 3), (1, 2)}) >>> mag = d.marginal_mag(latent_nodes={1}) >>> mag Directed edges: set(), Bidirected edges: {frozenset({2, 3})}, Undirected edges: set() >>> mag = d.marginal_mag(latent_nodes={1}, relabel="default") Directed edges: set(), Bidirected edges: {frozenset({0, 1})}, Undirected edges: set() """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST from .ancestral_graph import AncestralGraph if not new: latent_nodes = core_utils.to_set(latent_nodes) new_nodes = self._nodes - latent_nodes directed = set() bidirected = set() for i, j in itr.combinations(self._nodes - latent_nodes, r=2): adjacent = all(not self.dsep(i, j, S) for S in core_utils.powerset(self._nodes - {i, j} - latent_nodes)) if adjacent: if self.is_ancestor_of(i, j): directed.add((i, j)) elif self.is_ancestor_of(j, i): directed.add((j, i)) else: bidirected.add((i, j)) if relabel is not None: t = self.topological_sort() t_new = [node for node in t if node not in latent_nodes] node2new_label = dict(map(reversed, enumerate(t_new))) new_nodes = {node2new_label[node] for node in new_nodes} directed = {(node2new_label[i], node2new_label[j]) for i, j in directed} bidirected = {(node2new_label[i], node2new_label[j]) for i, j in bidirected} return AncestralGraph(nodes=new_nodes, directed=directed, bidirected=bidirected) else: # ag = AncestralGraph(nodes=self._nodes, directed=self._arcs) # curr_directed = ag.directed # curr_bidirected = ag.bidirected # # while True: # for node in latent_nodes: # parents = ag._parents[node] # children = ag._children[node] # spouses = ag._spouses[node] # for j, i in itr.product(parents, children): # ag._add_directed(j, i, ignore_error=True) # for i, j in itr.combinations(children, 2): # ag._add_bidirected(i, j, ignore_error=True) # for i, j in itr.product(children, spouses): # ag._add_bidirected(i, j, ignore_error=True) # # last_directed = curr_directed # last_bidirected = curr_bidirected # curr_directed = ag.directed # curr_bidirected = ag.bidirected # if curr_directed == last_directed and curr_bidirected == last_bidirected: # break # for node in latent_nodes: # ag.remove_node(node, ignore_error=True) ag = AncestralGraph(nodes=self._nodes, directed=self._arcs) ancestor_dict = ag.ancestor_dict() for i, j in itr.combinations(self._nodes - latent_nodes, 2): S = (ancestor_dict[i] | ancestor_dict[j]) - {i, j} - latent_nodes if not ag.has_any_edge(i, j) and not ag.msep(i, j, S): if i in ancestor_dict[j]: ag._add_directed(i, j) elif j in ancestor_dict[i]: ag._add_directed(j, i) else: ag._add_bidirected(i, j) for node in latent_nodes: ag.remove_node(node, ignore_error=True) if relabel is not None: if relabel == 'default': relabel = {node: ix for ix, node in enumerate(sorted(self._nodes - set(latent_nodes)))} new_nodes = {relabel[node] for node in self._nodes - set(latent_nodes)} directed = {(relabel[i], relabel[j]) for i, j in ag.directed} bidirected = {(relabel[i], relabel[j]) for i, j in ag.bidirected} return AncestralGraph(new_nodes, directed=directed, bidirected=bidirected) return ag
[docs] def cpdag(self): """ Return the completed partially directed acyclic graph (CPDAG, aka essential graph) that represents the Markov equivalence class of this DAG. Return ------ causaldag.PDAG: CPDAG representing the MEC of this DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 4)}) >>> cpdag = g.cpdag() >>> cpdag.edges {frozenset({1, 2})} >>> cpdag.arcs {(2, 4), (3, 4)} """ from causaldag import PDAG pdag = PDAG(nodes=self._nodes, arcs=self._arcs, known_arcs=self.arcs_in_vstructures()) pdag.remove_unprotected_orientations() return pdag
def cpdag_new(self, new=False): from causaldag import PDAG vstruct = self.arcs_in_vstructures() pdag = PDAG(nodes=self._nodes, arcs=vstruct, edges=self._arcs - vstruct) if new: pdag.to_complete_pdag_new() else: pdag.to_complete_pdag() return pdag
[docs] def interventional_cpdag(self, interventions: List[set], cpdag=None): """ Return the interventional essential graph (aka CPDAG) associated with this DAG. Parameters ---------- interventions: A list of the intervention targets. cpdag: The original (non-interventional) CPDAG of the graph. Faster when provided. Return ------ causaldag.PDAG: Interventional CPDAG representing the I-MEC of this DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> g = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 4)}) >>> cpdag = g.cpdag() >>> icpdag = g.interventional_cpdag([{1}], cpdag=cpdag) >>> icpdag.arcs {(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 4)} """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST from causaldag import PDAG if cpdag is None: raise ValueError('Need the CPDAG') # dag_cut = self.copy() # known_arcs = set() # for node in intervened_nodes: # for i, j in dag_cut.incoming_arcs(node): # dag_cut.remove_arc(i, j) # known_arcs.update(self.outgoing_arcs(node)) # known_arcs.update(dag_cut.vstructs()) # pdag = PDAG(dag_cut._nodes, dag_cut._arcs, known_arcs=known_arcs) else: cut_edges = set() for iv_nodes in interventions: cut_edges.update({(i, j) for i, j in self._arcs if len({i, j} & set(iv_nodes)) == 1}) known_arcs = cut_edges | cpdag._known_arcs pdag = PDAG(self._nodes, self._arcs, known_arcs=known_arcs) pdag.remove_unprotected_orientations() return pdag
# === CHICKERING SEQUENCE def _is_resolved_sink(self, other, node, res_sinks): no_children = not (self._children[node] - res_sinks) no_children_other = not (other._children[node] - res_sinks) same_parents = self._parents[node] == other._parents[node] return no_children and no_children_other and same_parents
[docs] def resolved_sinks(self, other) -> set: """ Return the nodes in this graph which are "resolved sinks" with respect to the graph ``other``. A "resolved sink" is a node which has the same parents in both graphs, and no children which are not themselves resolved sinks. Parameters ---------- other TODO Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0)}) >>> d2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(2, 0), (2, 1), (1, 0)}) >>> res_sinks = d1.resolved_sinks(d2) {0} """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST res_sinks = set() while True: new_resolved = {node for node in self._nodes - res_sinks if self._is_resolved_sink(other, node, res_sinks)} res_sinks.update(new_resolved) if not new_resolved: break return res_sinks
[docs] def chickering_sequence(self, imap, verbose=False): """ Return a *Chickering sequence* from this DAG to an I-MAP ``imap``. A Chickering sequence from DAG ``D1`` to a DAG ``D2`` is a sequence of DAGs starting at ``D1`` and ending at ``D2``, with consecutive DAGs differing by a single edge reversal or edge deletion, such that each DAG is an IMAP of ``D1``. See Chickering, David Maxwell. "Optimal structure identification with greedy search." (2002) for more details. Parameters ---------- imap: DAG The I-MAP of this DAG at which the Chickering sequence will end. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d1 = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2)}) >>> d2 = cd.DAG(arcs={(2, 0), (2, 1), (1, 0)}) >>> sequence, moves = d1.chickering_sequence(d2) >>> sequence[1].arcs {(1, 0), (1, 2)} >>> sequence[2].arcs {(1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0)} """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST curr_graph = self ch_seq = [] moves = [] last_sink = None while curr_graph != imap: ch_seq.append(curr_graph) curr_graph, last_sink, move = curr_graph.apply_edge_operation(imap, seed_sink=last_sink, verbose=verbose) moves.append(move) ch_seq.append(imap) return ch_seq, moves
[docs] def apply_edge_operation(self, imap, seed_sink=None, verbose=False): """ Identify an edge operation (covered edge reversal or edge addition) which decreases the Chickering distance from this DAG to ``imap``. See Chickering, David Maxwell. "Optimal structure identification with greedy search." (2002), Fig. 2 for more details. Parameters ---------- imap: The target I-MAP. seed_sink: If the algorithm reaches step 3, pick this node (if it is indeed a valid sink). verbose: If ``True``, print out the steps of the algorithm. Returns ------- (DAG, Node, int) * The updated DAG * The node picked for the operation * The type of the edge operation (corresponding to the line of the algorithm in the above paper) """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST new_graph = self.copy() # STEP 2: REMOVE RESOLVED SINKS resolved_sinks = self.resolved_sinks(imap) self_subgraph = self.induced_subgraph(self._nodes - resolved_sinks) imap_subgraph = imap.induced_subgraph(imap._nodes - resolved_sinks) # STEP 3: PICK A SINK IN THE IMAP imap_sinks = imap_subgraph.sinks() sink = random.choice(list(imap_sinks)) if seed_sink is None or seed_sink not in imap_sinks else seed_sink if verbose: print(f"Step 3: Picked {sink}") # STEP 4: ADD A PARENT IF Y IS A SINK IN G if sink in self_subgraph.sinks(): x = random.choice(list(imap_subgraph._parents[sink] - self_subgraph._parents[sink])) new_graph.add_arc(x, sink) if verbose: print(f"Step 4: Added {x}->{sink}") return new_graph, sink, 4 # STEP 5: PICK A SPECIFIC CHILD OF Y IN G d = list(imap_subgraph.upstream_most(self_subgraph.descendants_of(sink)))[0] valid_children = self_subgraph.upstream_most(self_subgraph._children[sink]) & ( self_subgraph.ancestors_of(d) | {d}) z = random.choice(list(valid_children)) if verbose: print(f"Step 5: Picked z={z}") # STEP 6 if self_subgraph.is_reversible(sink, z): new_graph.reverse_arc(sink, z) if verbose: print(f"Step 6: Reversing {sink}->{z}") return new_graph, sink, 6 # STEP 7 par_z = self_subgraph._parents[z] - self_subgraph._parents[sink] - {sink} if par_z: x = random.choice(list(par_z)) if verbose: print(f"Step 7: Picked x={x}") new_graph.add_arc(x, sink) if verbose: print(f"Step 7: Adding {x}->{sink}") return new_graph, sink, 7 # STEP 8 par_sink = self_subgraph._parents[sink] - self_subgraph._parents[z] x = random.choice(list(par_sink)) if verbose: print(f"Step 8: Picked x={x}") new_graph.add_arc(x, z) if verbose: print(f"Step 8: Adding {x}->{z}") return new_graph, sink, 8
[docs] def directed_clique_tree(self, verbose=False): """ Return the directed clique tree associated with this DAG. See the following for the definition of the directed clique tree: Squires, Chandler, et al. "Active Structure Learning of Causal DAGs via Directed Clique Tree." (2020) Parameters ---------- verbose if True, print out the steps taken to compute the directed clique tree. Returns ------- networkx.MultiDiGraph The directed clique tree of this DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> dct = d.directed_clique_tree() >>> dct.nodes NodeView((frozenset({1, 2, 3}), frozenset({0, 1}))) >>> dct.edges OutMultiEdgeView([(frozenset({0, 1}), frozenset({1, 2, 3}), 0)]) """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST cliques = nx.chordal_graph_cliques(self.to_nx().to_undirected()) ct = nx.MultiDiGraph() ct.add_nodes_from(cliques) edges = {(c1, c2): c1 & c2 for c1, c2 in itr.combinations(cliques, 2) if c1 & c2} subtrees = UnionFind() bidirected_components = UnionFind() for c1, c2 in sorted(edges, key=lambda e: len(edges[e]), reverse=True): if verbose: print(f"Considering edge {c1}-{c2}") if subtrees[c1] != subtrees[c2]: shared = c1 & c2 all_into_c1 = all((s, c) in self._arcs for s, c in itr.product(shared, c1 - shared)) all_into_c2 = all((s, c) in self._arcs for s, c in itr.product(shared, c2 - shared)) if all_into_c1 and all_into_c2: c1_parent = bidirected_components[c1] c2_parent = bidirected_components[c2] b1 = [c for c, parent in bidirected_components.parents.items() if parent == c1_parent] b2 = [c for c, parent in bidirected_components.parents.items() if parent == c2_parent] b1_source = any(set(ct.predecessors(c)) - set(ct.successors(c)) for c in b1) b2_source = any(set(ct.predecessors(c)) - set(ct.successors(c)) for c in b2) if not (b1_source and b2_source): if verbose: print(f"Adding edge {c1}<->{c2}") subtrees.union(c1, c2) bidirected_components.union(c1, c2) ct.add_edge(c1, c2) ct.add_edge(c2, c1) else: c1, c2 = (c1, c2) if all_into_c2 else (c2, c1) c2_parent = bidirected_components[c2] bidirected_component = [ c for c, parent in bidirected_components.parents.items() if parent == c2_parent ] has_source = any( set(ct.predecessors(c)) - set(ct.successors(c)) for c in bidirected_component ) if not has_source: if verbose: print(f"{c1}->{c2}") ct.add_edge(c1, c2) subtrees.union(c1, c2) labels = {(c1, c2, 0): c1 & c2 for c1, c2 in ct.edges()} nx.set_edge_attributes(ct, labels, name='label') return ct
[docs] def contracted_directed_clique_tree(self): """ Return the contracted directed clique tree associated with this DAG. See the following for the definition of the contracted directed clique tree: Squires, Chandler, et al. "Active Structure Learning of Causal DAGs via Directed Clique Tree." (2020) Returns ------- networkx.MultiDiGraph The directed clique tree of this DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (3, 2), (3, 4)}) >>> cdct = d.contracted_directed_clique_tree() >>> cdct.nodes NodeView((frozenset({frozenset({1, 2, 3}), frozenset({1, 3, 4})}), frozenset({frozenset({0, 1})}))) >>> cdct.edges OutEdgeView([(frozenset({frozenset({0, 1})}), frozenset({frozenset({1, 2, 3}), frozenset({1, 3, 4})}))]) """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST dct = self.directed_clique_tree() # find bidirected connected components all_edges = set(dct.edges()) bidirected_graph = nx.Graph() bidirected_graph.add_nodes_from(dct.nodes()) bidirected_graph.add_edges_from({(c1, c2) for c1, c2 in all_edges if (c2, c1) in all_edges}) components = [frozenset(component) for component in nx.connected_components(bidirected_graph)] clique2component = {clique: component for component in components for clique in component} # contract bidirected connected components g = nx.DiGraph() g.add_nodes_from(components) g.add_edges_from({ (clique2component[c1], clique2component[c2]) for c1, c2 in all_edges if clique2component[c1] != clique2component[c2] }) return g
[docs] def residuals(self): """ Return the residuals associated with this DAG. See the following for the definition of residuals: Squires, Chandler, et al. "Active Structure Learning of Causal DAGs via Directed Clique Tree." (2020) Returns ------- networkx.MultiDiGraph The directed clique tree of this DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (3, 2), (3, 4)}) >>> residuals = d.residuals() >>> residuals [frozenset({2, 3, 4}), frozenset({0, 1})] """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST sdct = self.contracted_directed_clique_tree() sdct_nodes = list(sdct.nodes) sdct_components = [frozenset.union(*component) for component in sdct_nodes] sdct_parents = [list(sdct.predecessors(component)) for component in sdct_nodes] sdct_parents = [frozenset.union(*p[0]) if p else set() for p in sdct_parents] return [component - parent for component, parent in zip(sdct_components, sdct_parents)]
[docs] def residual_essential_graph(self): """ Return the residual essential graph associated with this DAG. See the following for the definition of the residual essential graph: Squires, Chandler, et al. "Active Structure Learning of Causal DAGs via Directed Clique Tree." (2020) Returns ------- networkx.MultiDiGraph The directed clique tree of this DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (3, 2), (3, 4)}) >>> r_eg = d.residual_essential_graph() >>> r_eg.arcs {(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4)} """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST from causaldag import PDAG sdct = self.contracted_directed_clique_tree() sdct_nodes = list(sdct.nodes) sdct_components = [frozenset.union(*component) for component in sdct_nodes] sdct_parents = [list(sdct.predecessors(component)) for component in sdct_nodes] sdct_parents = [frozenset.union(*p[0]) if p else set() for p in sdct_parents] sdct_residuals = [component - parent for component, parent in zip(sdct_components, sdct_parents)] arcs = { (p, r) for parent, residual, component in zip(sdct_parents, sdct_residuals, sdct_components) for p, r in itr.product(parent & component, residual) } g = PDAG(nodes=self._nodes, arcs=arcs & self._arcs, edges=self._arcs - arcs) return g
[docs] def optimal_fully_orienting_single_node_interventions(self, cpdag=None, new=False, verbose=False) -> Set[Node]: """ Find the smallest set of interventions which fully orients the CPDAG into this DAG. Parameters ---------- cpdag the starting CPDAG containing known orientations. If None, compute and use the observational essential graph. new: TODO: remove after checking that directed clique tree method works. verbose: TODO: describe. Returns ------- interventions A minimum-size set of interventions which fully orients the DAG. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> import itertools as itr >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs=set(itr.combinations(range(5), 2))) >>> ivs = d.optimal_fully_orienting_single_node_interventions() >>> ivs {1, 3} """ if new: sdct = self.contracted_directed_clique_tree() top_sort = nx.topological_sort(sdct) intervened_nodes = set() for component in top_sort: parent = list(sdct.predecessors(component)) parent_nodes = frozenset.union(*parent[0]) if len(parent) != 0 else set() if verbose: print(f"orienting component {component}, parent={parent}") component_intervened_nodes = self._verification_optimal_helper(component, parent_nodes, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(f"intervened: {component_intervened_nodes}") intervened_nodes.update(component_intervened_nodes) return intervened_nodes else: cpdag = self.cpdag() if cpdag is None else cpdag node2oriented = { node: self.interventional_cpdag([{node}], cpdag=cpdag).arcs for node in self._nodes - cpdag.dominated_nodes } for ss in core_utils.powerset(self._nodes - cpdag.dominated_nodes, r_min=1): oriented = set.union(*(node2oriented[node] for node in ss)) if len(oriented) == len(cpdag.edges) + len(cpdag.arcs): return ss
[docs] def greedy_optimal_single_node_intervention(self, cpdag=None, num_interventions=1): """ Greedily pick ``num_interventions`` single node interventions based on how many edges they orient. By submodularity, this will orient at least (1 - 1/e) as many edges as the optimal intervention set of size ``num_interventions``. Parameters ---------- cpdag: the starting CPDAG containing known orientations. If None, use the observational essential graph. num_interventions: the number of single-node interventions used. Default is 1. Return ------ (interventions, cpdags) The selected interventions and the associated cpdags that they induce. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)}) >>> ivs, icpdags = d.greedy_optimal_single_node_intervention() >>> ivs [1] >>> icpdags[0].arcs {(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)} """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST if cpdag is None: cpdag = self.cpdag() if len(cpdag.edges) == 0: return [None] * num_interventions, [cpdag] * num_interventions nodes2icpdags = { node: self.interventional_cpdag([{node}], cpdag=cpdag) for node in self._nodes - cpdag.dominated_nodes } nodes2num_oriented = { node: len(icpdag._arcs) for node, icpdag in nodes2icpdags.items() } best_iv = max(nodes2num_oriented.items(), key=op.itemgetter(1))[0] icpdag = nodes2icpdags[best_iv] if num_interventions == 1: return [best_iv], [icpdag] else: best_ivs, icpdags = self.greedy_optimal_single_node_intervention(cpdag=icpdag, num_interventions=num_interventions - 1) return [best_iv] + best_ivs, [icpdag] + icpdags
[docs] def greedy_optimal_fully_orienting_interventions(self, cpdag=None): """ Find a set of interventions which fully orients a CPDAG into this DAG, using greedy selection of the interventions. By submodularity, the number of interventions is a (1 + ln K) multiplicative approximation to the true optimal number of interventions, where K is the number of undirected edges in the CPDAG. Parameters ---------- cpdag the starting CPDAG containing known orientations. If None, use the observational essential graph. Returns ------- (interventions, cpdags) The selected interventions and the associated cpdags that they induce. Examples -------- >>> import causaldag as cd >>> d = cd.DAG(arcs={(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3)}) >>> ivs, icpdags = d.greedy_optimal_fully_orienting_interventions() >>> ivs [1, 2] >>> icpdags[0].edges {frozenset({2, 3})} >>> icpdags[1].edges set() """ warn_untested() # TODO: ADD TEST if cpdag is None: cpdag = self.cpdag() curr_cpdag = cpdag ivs = [] icpdags = [] while len(curr_cpdag.edges) != 0: iv, icpdag = self.greedy_optimal_single_node_intervention(cpdag=curr_cpdag) iv = iv[0] icpdag = icpdag[0] curr_cpdag = icpdag ivs.append(iv) icpdags.append(icpdag) return ivs, icpdags
def _verification_optimal_helper(self, component, parent_component, verbose=False) -> set: # for a clique, select every other node if len(component) == 1: if verbose: print('component is clique') residual = list(component)[0] - parent_component if verbose: print(f"residual: {residual}") sorted_nodes = self.induced_subgraph(residual).topological_sort() return set(sorted_nodes[1::2]) else: sorted_nodes = self.induced_subgraph(frozenset.union(*component)).topological_sort() # determine common head intersections = [c1 & c2 for c1, c2 in itr.combinations(component, 2)] common_head = frozenset.union(*intersections) - parent_component max_intersection = max(intersections, key=len) # if max_intersection != frozenset.union(*intersections): # raise RuntimeError sorted_common_head = [node for node in sorted_nodes if node in common_head] if verbose: print(f'component contains multiple cliques, common head = {sorted_common_head}') # determine heads and tails heads = [clique & common_head for clique in component] tails = [clique - common_head - parent_component for clique in component] sorted_heads = [[node for node in sorted_nodes if node in head] for head in heads] sorted_tails = [[node for node in sorted_nodes if node in tail] for tail in tails] # add nodes from tails intervened_nodes = set() for head, tail in zip(sorted_heads, sorted_tails): if verbose: print(f"tail={tail}, head={head}") intervened_nodes.update(tail[-2::-2]) if len(tail) % 2 == 1 and len(head) > 0: intervened_nodes.add(head[-1]) # add remaining nodes from common head counter = 0 for node in sorted_common_head: if node in intervened_nodes: counter = 0 else: counter += 1 if counter == 2: intervened_nodes.add(node) counter = 0 return intervened_nodes # TODO: test! # === ADJUSTMENT SETS def backdoor(self, i, j): """ Return a set of nodes S satisfying the backdoor criterion if such an S exists, otherwise False. S satisfies the backdoor criterion if (i) S blocks every path from i to j with an arrow into i (ii) no node in S is a descendant of i """ raise NotImplementedError pass def frontdoor(self, i, j): """ Return a set of nodes S satisfying the frontdoor criterion if such an S exists, otherwise False. S satisfies the frontdoor criterion if (i) S blocks all directed paths from i to j (ii) there are no unblocked backdoor paths from i to S (iii) i blocks all backdoor paths from S to j """ raise NotImplementedError() if __name__ == '__main__': d = DAG(arcs={(1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4), (2, 4), (3, 5)}) d.save_gml('test_mine.gml')